29. August – 1. September 2023
Dear Friends, Dancers and Colleagues,
Our dance Contactango is so unique, full of potential, and for me a wonderful gift in my live.
It has been my wish for a long time to organize a meeting for all of us Contactango Teachers-and now a found a very attractive place in Munich were we can meet, dance, exchange and live together for a few days.
Some questions that came up in the exchange with other dancers I like to share with you – and we find more together:
1. What are the needs, desires and dreams we meet sharing this dance with others?
2. What is the larger frame of art and somatic work we are connected to?
3.How are we using art and dance as potential for change?
At the teachers Meeting feb 16-18 we will explore with a format of creating small groups of similar interest. In this group we will take 15 min of verbal exchange and 15 min exploring the topic in dance. The outcome each group will share in dance with the other groups. In Munich we will look how to continue and refine this process.
The location in Munich where we can dance, cook and sleep offers a wonderfull opportunity to approach our research in practice and being together.

I like to invite all of you to come together, get to know and dive deeper into Contactango. Collecting our experience from Tango Argentino and CI (and other areas), open up a field to deepen and develop our understanding of Contactango. To share with colleagues will also improve our skills in teaching.
Spending time dancing, sharing and exploring with experienced teachers – this is what I wish to create the space for.
The idea for the format is: Meeting in the beginning of September 2020, from the 1st until the 6th. The first four days will be for us. The weekend we will offer a public workshop/dance event, where we will teach together converting and sharing our new impressions.
The public Workshop will help finance our work/stay and people that need some support coming to Munich. The public workshop will be at the Rote Fabrik, a great dance Location where our Munich Contactango festival takes place in Juli (picture indoor room). The rote Fabrik is only two S bahn Stations from Pasing where our Basecamp will be all the time, at the Labyrinsel (pictures outdoor). On Monday the 7th, after dancing and reflecting our time together if you wish you are welcome to come to my place 20 km from Munich, chill, swim, relax and in the evening we can visit a very nice Neolonga in Munich.
The costs will be very low, probably around 20- 25 euro a day for the place, food, accommodation. You can bring a tent, or sleep indoor with your sleeping bag – there are different possibilities. The place is simple, we can cook inside, make fire outside, dance in and outside, make music whenever we wish.
Please let me know what you sense: are you in, do you have suggestions, questions, proposals….?
As you all experience, people register for events more and more last minute – its a challenge for organizers.
So please help me, and us, to make it happen in planning quite long term.
More about finances: it will be time consuming to prepare our meeting. My proposal is to compensate all people involved with organizing with 10 euro per hour. If we realize that some money is left after the workshops we can split between all of us or use it for future activities.
Thank you Dancers!
I hope many of us will meet, exchange and Dance together next year,
1. – 6. September 2020, save the date and let me know!
I only have the Mail dress of some teachers – Please pass on the info to colleagues you know!
AND: I love your opinion, about the whole event – please share your ideas!
With warm greetings, Sebastian

A bit of extra Info:
The place where we can dance, be, cook, is in Munich, between Pasing and Laim S Bahn Station. Its a bit a walk to get to the Layrinsel. 10 to 20 Minutes. There is no shopping around the corner (sorry ladies) but plenty at the s bahn station Pasing. We are private there, can make a fire and have music whenever we wish. The place is very simple and we have to take care about it. It has one inside shower and as well outside shower. We can cook there. Martin is the owner of the place, he will be there, too. There are several „rooms“ to sleep, you can bring your tent too for privacy. You need your mattress und sleeping bag! Sure we Munich dancers can provide some camping mattresses!
We can dance inside one room and hopefully outside at the place, too, on dancing carpet (see pictures). There is a dance studio not far away were we might go to as well in the daytime if needed.
For the public workshops at Lachdach on Saturday and Sunday my proposal is to teach together, two or three people one workshop, as we find out during our time together who is sharing interest in the same topic.
I will not overorganize the whole event. I provide a frame and build on your cooperation, a lot will be played by what we sense.
Anmeldung/Register: mail@contactango.info